What are you doing up?
What's the baby doing up?
- That's a good boy, Duncan.
- What are you doing in here?
Why do you have to check on him
every 10 minutes?
What's he going to do,
run away or something?
I told my mother I'd be home at 10:30.
It is 10:30.
You know, my mother gets these migraines.
See you tomorrow, then.
Hello, Gerald. I couldn't sleep.
I thought I'd make myself some cocoa.
My pills. He was taking my pills.
You go back to bed. We'll clean up.
I wouldn't take a...
I wouldn't take an additional sedation.
She shouldn't do that, Gerald.
She shouldn't take another tranquilizer.
She's had her Seconal tonight, hasn't she?
- Then you've been drinking at the party.
- Not much.
Gerald, listen to me for a moment.
I find myself...
Listen to me, please. I find myself...
in a very awkward position here.
Extremely awkward.
Why didn't you turn on the light?
Skewered on the horns
of an ugly dilemma.
On one hand, I find the role of informer
a highly repugnant one.
At the same time,
I must consider what is best for Duncan.
But it involves a moral judgment
I'm not prepared to make.
Now, the act of copulation in itself
isn't the factor it used to be.
I realize that young people
look at things differently.
The other thing is,
you know how I feel about Duncan.
I think I can look after him as well,
if not a damn sight better...
than any teenage mercenary...
quite apart from
all that humpity-jump on the sofa...
sandwiched in, so to speak,
between English Literature and Algebra.