retirement village.
Looks like sort of
an old people's home to me, Gerald.
Older than God, most of them.
You know, you've got
your mother's eyes, Gerald?
Did you know that?
Have I ever told you that?
She was a wonderful woman.
I notice it at times like this.
She got a funny liquid thing
came into her eyes whenever she was...
confused or sad or anything like that.
I think I've got the picture now, Gerald.
Not an unusual thing.
Year, year and a half after the baby's born...
mother goes to pieces, depression sets in.
Nerves, forget the scientific name for it,
severe paranoia sometimes, too.
I'm sorry to see it happen
in Wilma's case, son...
but c'est la vie.
She wants me out of the house,
all right, she wants me out of the house.
I'll leave until she's feeling better...
but this isn't quite
the kind of establishment I had in mind.
Pop, take a look at it like this. Just relax.
I just thought you'd like
to take a look at this place.
It's deluxe all the way.
It's got private apartments and everything.
Take advantage of the research I did for you.
Poke around while you're here,
and you see if it strikes your fancy.
All right. Fair enough. Might as well.
Let's have a look around while we're here.
If you don't like it, it's okay.
If you do, why don't we come back
one of these days?
We have a talk
with the manager, Mr. Weaver...
and we find out what he's got available.
How about that?