You shouldn't
leave your door open like that.
They always have
a lot of robberies around here...
at the height of the season.
I wanted to ask...
if your offer was still good,
I might take you up on it for a while.
Just had another fight with Mrs. Yates,
my landlady.
I could work off the money I owe you,
since I'm not doing anything right now.
Here's your Christmas-present sweater.
Watch out for the pins.
I couldn't finish it up
until I measured your arms.
I remembered what you said...
about just down the road
from the bowling alley.
You did it again. You left the seat up again.
I was a lad, I served a term
As office boy to an attorney's firm
Polished the window
And I cleaned the floor
Polished up the handle
on the big front door
Polished up the handle so carefully
Now I am the ruler... King's navy
Polished up the handle so carefully
That now I am the ruler of the...
Say, we did the right thing here.
Very good choice, I must say.
Desert gold. High degree of visibility.
Easy to see in the dark.
Never know when we want to reach Caudillo
at night.
- Taxi here?
- All set.
I don't want to keep him waiting.
Obstetricians are very busy
this time of the year for some reason.
He thinks, maybe, it has something to do
with when summer vacations are.
Who does this thing belong to?
No beauty, but she's sound as a dollar.
I looked over the market
and decided against a new car.
Big depreciation
the minute you turn the key.