General Umberto Nobile returned a hero
to Italy.
To his Roman triumph,
led by Benito Mussolini.
Nobile's journey over the North Pole
with Roald Amundsen...
had thrilled the world in the year of 1926.
But the laurels won by the handsome hero
did not give him rest.
He had seen the north,
the vast, silent, frozen sea...
unendurable, uninhabitable.
Yet, for more than 2,000 years...
explorers have been drawn north
into this mysterious whiteness...
where man literally walks on water.
Men with such names
as Makarov, Nansen, Amundsen.
At last, in 1909, Robert E. Peary...
the great American explorer,
made a brilliant dash with dogs.
Peary conquered the North Pole.
There was a pause in Arctic exploration.
The restless men turned to the Antarctic.
Roald Amundsen conquered the South Pole...
December 14, 1911.
Then came aircraft,
and the excitement stirred again.
This was Nobile's moment.
Already an internationally known designer
and flyer of airships...
he planned the most dangerous
of all air expeditions...
to fly to the fury of the North Pole
and to land there.
Why? For reasons of science, certainly.
But there was also the explorers'
age-old reason or vanity...
the desire to be first.
General Nobile, has it been decided yet...
which of your crew
will be the first to land...
I mean put a foot on the North Pole?
It has been decided.
The first man to land from the air
at the North Pole will be myself.
I will be the first man.
The Italian Navy provided Nobile
with a support ship, The City of Milan...