Malmgren the Immaculate.
Will your imagination stretch to that?
Don't call me old, Lieutenant.
Boy, it would stretch to anything.
Take your feet off my table.
Yes, Valeria.
Dr. Malmgren is arriving now.
We've got Saint Sebastian
in his working clothes tonight.
I'm cold, Nurse.
That's funny, Mr. Rindborg,
because I'm quite warm.
So they say. You wouldn't care to...
No, I wouldn't.
My temperature is rising, Nurse.
You're all such tigers
when you're safe in here.
Excuse me, Nurse.
I've just arrived here, I...
Wait in the dispensary, please.
Some people won't even knock on a door.
- My name is Finn Malmgren.
- Do sit down.
- I'd like to borrow...
- Name?
Finn Malmgren.
- Nationality.
- Swedish.
Surface worker or below ground?
I'm not employed
by the mining company, Nurse.
I'm a member of General Nobile's expedition.
Are you the famous explorer Malmgren?
I'm the only Malmgren on the expedition.
- I beg your pardon.
- There is no need to apologize.