- I beg your pardon?
- The General's little dog.
My duties do not extend
to the General's little dog.
Can you tell us
what your duties are, Captain?
I'm to maintain radio contact
with the General...
at prearranged times
and prearranged wavelengths.
- What times, Captain?
- Two hours on, two hours off.
What wavelength are they using, Captain?
I'm not authorized to tell you that.
Press information will be limited
to the position of the airship...
and the weather conditions prevailing.
By noon tomorrow, the airship is expected
to be nearing its objective.
It has now successfully completed 250 miles.
Our coordinates, please.
27 degrees west of Greenwich,
latitude 84 degrees, 20 minutes.
Height: 750 feet.
Airspeed: 80 miles an hour.
Up elevators. Go to 1,300 feet.
Dr. Malmgren...
there's a message, sir,
from Tromso Institute.
Tromso Institute reports
the high-pressure area...
is becoming unstable.
But they also say that the wind should hold
until we reach the Pole.
Dense cloud, 3,000 feet,
forming on horizon to starboard.
- 88 degrees, 10 minutes north, General.
- 44 miles to the pole.
There. It looks like
you're very lucky, General.
Put on your furs, gentlemen.
- Troiani, go down to 400 meters.
- Yes, sir.
- Captain Zappi.
- Yes, sir?
- Get the anchor lines ready.
- Yes, sir. Out mooring ropes.
Biagi, we're approaching the Pole.
All engines minimum speed.
Troiani, prepare the basket for lowering.