On the contrary, my memory's clearer,
and my imagination's more fertile.
Now it's you who depends on me.
Really? And what makes you think that?
I've got the proof that you wanted
to get rid of your husband.
You wrote it in a letter you sent me about a year ago.
That doesn't mean I murdered him.
Certain phrases could be explosively interpreted.
Now that a plane's crashed with your husband aboard
and an insurance policy has turned up paying you...
I've got nothing to be afraid of.
I wouldn't risk it if I were you.
How much do you want for that letter?
I need five hits a day now
and it's getting more and more expensive.
A hundred pounds now,
and another hundred at your place tonight.
You've got to give me another three hundred.
And then from 7 tonight,
you'll never hear about Philip again.