
Mr Maddox, your room.
What I mean is, we are getting a regular.
A drummer.
Women's goods and jewellery.

I wasn't expecting you to be staying over.
To put a fine edge on things,
I need your room.

He always expects
to get the same room and...

Is there something you wanted?
Can't say there is, Minister.
A man comes to the house of God,
he comes to seek.

- I'm not a believing man, Minister.
- Then why have you come?

A man doesn't see many churches
like this... in a town like Sabbath.

The shape of the house of God
is unimportant.

That's not so, Minister.
The kind of church a man builds to pray in
tells you a lot about the man.

Further south there are some
fine old adobe churches, Mexican.

They're cool and dark inside.
They give a man peace.

They're made for kneeling.
This one's made for standing upright.

There is no easy comfort from God.
Tell me, Minister, you must know
all the people in this town.

Those who come to my church.
I don't see a land office.
If I wanted to see a map of the territory,

a map with the deed boundaries marked
on it, who might be able to oblige?

Why do you ask me?
I figured you'd be the one man in this
town who'd find it difficult to lie to me.

Mr Dusaine is the legal expert.
He takes care of all such matters.

Thank you, Minister. Good morning.
