
You all know why you're here.
What I wanna know
is what are we going to do?

He wants to know what we're going to do.
Marc Corman and Harvey Stenbaugh
were our friends.

Do we care about our friends?
Corman's widow - my sister - and
the little ones, do we care about them?

Are we just gonna
stand around here and talk?

Talk never moved a thing
or pulled a stump.

Are we gonna stand around and wait
while this killer shoots whoever he wants?

- He's a lawman.
- What? What?

How do we know that?
Anyway, he ain't the lawman here.

What happened in Bannock months ago
is of no concern to us,

but we must respect the law.
As your mayor,
I say we gotta protect our own.

- This man has got to be stopped.
- What have you got in mind, Harris?

We all go over to the hotel, all of us,
and we go meaning business.

And that means going armed.
We can tell Maddox to get out of town.
Now, now, wait a minute, Luther.
That sounds like vigilante talk.

- Shouldn't we stay within the limits of...
- Sam, Sam.

It seems to me that you as mayor
should be giving lead,

not trying to keep your hat on straight.
This town owes Vince Bronson a lot.
Legally speaking, there is a precedence
for forming a citizens' committee.

Only if there's been a breakdown
in the formal law services.

Well, Ryan is broken down enough
to satisfy any precedence.

Moss is right, you know.
We're all beholden to Bronson,
and a Bronson man was murdered.

We can talk till sundown
and accomplish nothing, or we can act.

I say that we call off this meeting
and do what we know is right.

Now, Luther, let's...
Anybody here who calls himself a man
and wants out better speak right now.
