in seeing these pictures
of Patsy's dead brother, Steve.
- [Sighs]
- He looks very handsome in his swimsuit.
He won five Gold Cups.
- He was four years older than Patsy.
- Nine years older than me.
He looks very handsome
in his baseball uniform.
He only pitched no-hitters.
Thank you for letting me see them.
This one was taken after he came home
from the war a hero.
He looks very handsome
in his uniform.
- What do the double bars signify?
- He was a captain... a hero.
He bombed Korea.
When his country called on him
to serve again, he bombed Vietnam.
A brilliant future in electronics.
Not an enemy in the world. Who ever would
have thought he'd be shot down in his tracks...
on the corner of 97 th Street
and Amsterdam Avenue?
But I won't bore you
with our tragedy.
Damn it, Mother! Must we go through
this every time I bring a man home for dinner?
Patsy's done it again.
Boy, I'd be killed
if I ever talked like that.
And that's for basketball,
and that's for bowling.
And that's for basketball,
and that's for bowling.
And... that's for tennis.
She's as strong as an ox.
When we were kids,
we used to wrestle all the time.
- I always lost.
- Are you still with us?
- That's me with Steve.
- And me.
They still don't have
any idea who did it, eh?
Oh, it's all right.
It's perfectly all right.
The boys down at homicide have worked long
and hard and imaginatively on this case.
Many have become
close and personal friends.
¤¤ [Humming]