- I feel!
- You don't feel!
- Have it your way.
- Ah! There you go again. You won't fight.
But you knew I wouldn't fight
before you married me.
If you don't fight,
you don't feel!
If you don't feel,
you don't love!
- I don't know what love is.
- [Frustrated Groan]
[Phone Ringing]
- [Heavy Breathing]
- [Screams]
- And where were you going?
- I thought it was over.
I'm glad you're back, Patsy.
Oh! Kissing you
is like kissing white bread.
What is it with you, Alfred?
I've never had a man do this to me before.
It isn't just pain you don't feel.
You don't feel pleasure.
- I do feel pleasure.
- About what?
- A lot of things.
- Name one.
- My work.
- Oh, name another.
- Sleeping.
- Work and sleeping. Oh, that's just great.
- What about sex?
- Makes you sleep better.
Alfred! Do you mean
half the things you say?
You must feel something.
Jesus Christ!
- Alfred, why did you marry me?
- You're comfortable.
I am not comfortable!
If you knew anything about me, you would
know that I am not comfortable.
- Do you know why I married you?
- I'm comfortable.
I married you because
I wanted to mold you.
I love the man I wanted to mold you into,
but you're not even there.
How can I mold you
when you're not there?
Come back here. Alfred.
I don't wanna hurt you.
I want to change you.