Don't want to waste good liquor on him.
Might as well wave goodbye to your flask.
Well, you boys don't know nothing
about me...
and I know nothing about you.
Let's make this a nickel game to start off.
Let's make it a dime.
I thank you very kindly, sir.
Now, what I'd like to do,
I'd like to make this a five-card stud...
with a three-bet roof on the card.
And then maybe we get to, say, 15 cents
on an open pair on the last card.
-Unless you have objections about that.
-That's good.
I'm in.
Eight of hearts.
Four of clubs. Deuce of spades.
Seven of diamonds.
Eight of spades. Jack of spades.
Three of hearts.
Okay, my friend.
Jack off.
Close that goddamn door.
Good evening, Reverend.
Mr. Sheehan, Mr. Elliott is here.
Good evening, Mr. Elliott.
Hi, Freddie. Going to the opera?
Mr. Smalley, you want to sit in on a hand?
I don't gamble with no professionals.