McCabe & Mrs. Miller

Potatoes! Hot potatoes for a penny!
Hot potatoes, a penny!

You don't know what you're doing.
You got no experience at this.

I need two more.
All right, I've got one more
I can let you have. Wait a minute.

Kate, come on out here.
You can have her,
but you'll have to get her some teeth.

-All right. How much for three?
-Three? $80 each.

$80 for a chippy?
I can get a goddamn horse for $50!

I'll give you $200 for the three of them.
I'll be lucky if this split-tail
makes it through the winter.

You made a mighty long ride down here.
You must need them bad.

-Archer, let's get the guns on the table.
-Fuck the table. You don't know nothing.

You son of a bitch, tell me
how many spare chippies you got...

you butternut muff diver,
and I'll tell you how many I need!

-I've got two I can spare.
-That's bullshit! I want three.

You want three.
Tell you what I'm going to do.
You want three for $200, right?
I think maybe we can work out a deal.
I'll buy you a drink.

How much farther is this town, anyway?
You still bitching your ass off?.
