I've got to hand it to you, Pudgy.
Call me McCabe. I'll know who you mean.
You know I want to be your friend,
don't you, McCabe?
You and me is the only two
real businessmen in Presbyterian Church.
That ain't a whole lot
to have in common, is it?
-You're a Catholic, ain't you?
The minute you arrived in town, I knew
you was a man to be reckoned with.
That's a lot of shit and you know it.
Tell me what the hell you came here for,
and move away from that stove.
You get kind of ripe when it's warm.
Listen, McCabe.
I'm no dummy. You're no dummy.
You know what's going to happen
to this town...
when it gets big enough
to have three saloons, maybe even four.
You and me could form a partnership.
A partnership that'll keep any outsider
from coming and building another saloon...
without you and me saying it's all right
and taking our cut.
-What do you say to that?
-Partners is what I come to get away from.
Sometimes you can't have things
your own way.
Sometimes you got to make a deal.
Deals I don't mind.
It's partners I don't like.
Sit down, Sheehan. Now you listen to me.
Over the past few weeks,
I've taken a funny kind of liking to you.
And I want to make one goddamn thing
goddamn clear to you.
Sheehan, if a frog had wings, he wouldn't
bump his ass so much. Follow me?