McCabe & Mrs. Miller

Ida, it's me! Bartley Coyle.
Ida, I think this is for you.
Are you lda?
Well, here, jump off.
I'll help you. Go ahead.

Just go ahead, jump. Good.
How was the trip?

McCabe, this is lda.
Ida, this is McCabe.
He's building this saloon.

Come along, I'll show you our place.
It ain't much now,
but I'm planning on fixing it up.

Are you John McCabe?
Mrs. Miller.
I came from Bearpaw to see you.

Is this your place?
Yes, ma'am.
That's going to be a saloon and gambling.
Did you say you come up from Bearpaw
to see me?

Is there something I can do for you?
Do you have anything to eat?
I'm bloody starving.

It took six hours to get up here
in that flipping contraption.

You'll have to forgive me.
My kitchen ain't in operation yet.

I could take you up to the restaurant
if you're hungry enough.

I'm hungry enough.
I could eat a bloody horse.

-At Sheehan's place, you probably will.
-The frontier wit, I see.
