McCabe & Mrs. Miller

If you want to make out
you're such a fancy dude...

you ought to wear something
besides cheap Jockey Club cologne.

Listen, Mr. McCabe.
I'm a whore,
and I know a lot about whorehouses.

I know that if you had a house here,
you'd stand to make a lot of money.

Now, this is all you've got to do:
Put up the money for the house.
I'll do all the rest.

I'll look after the girls, the business,
the expenses, the running, the furnishings.

I'll pay you back any money you put in,
so you won't lose nothing...

and we'll make it fifty-fifty.
Excuse me.
I already got a whorehouse operating here.

You can't call crib cows whores.
I'm talking about a proper sporting house,
with class girls and clean linen...

and proper hygiene.
I don't think you're going
to find my clientele up here...
