Thought you'd like to look
at my beautiful ladies.
Give them a hot bath. Go on.
Quick, get the water heated.
My ass is frozen!
That's what at least
half the boys say about you, dear.
You told us
there was going to be a house up here.
Keep your hair on. I'm building
a bloody palace here for you girls.
Right now I'm going to give you a bath.
I'm not fucking any Chinaman.
Shut up! Ever know a chink to fuck
a chink when a white woman's around?
Stop whining or I'll scratch your eyes out.
Blimey, how they do go on.
You said in your letter there was
a house up here. You call this a house?
-You stole that from Christine!
-You're goddamn right.
-I paid $13 for it!
-Shut up, Eunice!
You're always bloody complaining.
-Dollar to you, Jack.
Say, you know what I heard?
I heard one of the girls they were bringing
was an authentic Chinese princess.
Is it true what they say
about Chinese girls?
-Horseshit. Their legs would fall off.
-Come on. It's true.
Their eyes, the way they slant,
and the way they tip up at the side.
That's true for the rest of their bodies.
A friend of mine, Amos Lindville,
down in Sacramento, California...
he once spent $5 to find out, $5 just
to have a look, and he said it's true.
A guy like Lindville isn't going to spend $5
to find out something that isn't true.