I don't have much time.
Who took the bottle of gin?
It's in my room.
-I'll get it.
-Alma, you go and get it.
-Where is it?
-Under my pillow.
It's under her pillow.
The booze stays down here.
Come on, girls,
she's going to be here any minute.
How are we doing? Nearly finished?
I took some of the pink off.
Do you think you could
write "Birdie" there?
You think you can do that?
All right.
-You like this? Pink and white?
-Yeah, very pretty.
Thank you very much.
I'll get back to you later.
Mr. McCabe?
Excuse me. My name is Sears.
Eugene Sears.
I'm Roebuck. Who's watching the store?
I'm with
M.H. Harrison Shaughnessy Mining Co.
-We'd like to have a little talk with you.
-No shit?
The truth of the matter is, Mr. McCabe...
we're interested
in the mining deposits up here.
The truth of the matter is,
I would like to have a little drink.
-Care to join me?
-We'd like to buy you a drink, Mr. McCabe.
Wait a minute.
You got a turd in your pocket?
-Who the hell is "we"?
-This is Ernie Hollander.
You want a drink, Ernie?