Morte a Venezia

Let us bring our poor service
to your kind attention.

Goodbye! Sorry! Hello!
Your Excellency!
And by the way, sir...
our compliments to your little sweetheart,
to your pretty little sweetheart.

Our best wishes, signore.
Take me to the steamship landing.
I said, take me to the steamship landing.
The signore is going to the Lido.
I know that,
but first I want to go to San Marco.

I get the vaporetto from there.
- But you cannot take the vaporetto.
- Why not?

Because the vaporetto
does not take luggage.

That is my concern. Turn around.
How much do you charge for this trip?
The signore will pay.
I'll pay you no penny at all unless
you take me exactly where I want to go.

You want to go to the Lido.
But not with you.
I am a good rower, signore. I row you well.
