See you got the joint cleaned up for once.
The Heavy digs it.
- Care for a beer?
- Not really.
I could go for something more uplifting,
but not a brew, my man.
Beer is all we've got.
You're gonna have to ease on out.
I got a lot of work to do today.
You don't understand.
I've been sent here to get you.
By whom?
That old chick I go with. What's her name?
- Carol?
- That's the one.
Girl thinks you've been working too hard.
She said we should get together tonight.
Who's this "we"?
Me, you, her and one of them hens
that you can dig up.
There is a fantastic new Mexican place
in Carmel called Susinos.
The albóndigas soup is unbelievable.
It is a mind-bender...
I know the joint, but I don't have a date,
and I got a lot to do.
Big deal, man. Get one!
If you have any problems getting one,
I'll get one for you as nice as I look.
It's too late, and besides,
I've got a lot of work to do.
But you gotta eat, David.
I'm gonna whip up something
here in my own kitchen.
You know, David,
I'm really worried about your social life.
You'll make someone
a tremendous mother.
Too narrow in the pelvis.
I sure appreciate you dropping by, Al.
Come by again sometime, anytime.
Never let it be said
that Sweet Al Monte can't take a hint.
- Who's hinting?
- Hi.
Why, hi there, yourself.
Dave Garver live here?
That depends on your point of view.
This stuff weighs a ton.
Where's the kitchen?
Right inside.
Just come on in and help yourself.
Swing right around the bend there.
I know, David, she's from Chicken Delight.
Look, don't work too hard, my man.
Don't strain yourself.
How come you don't have any beer?
And what is this? A shrunken head?
Does that guy live here?
- I wanted...
- I hope you like steak.
- You look like a steak-and-potatoes type.
- Hang on.
I said to myself,
a nice salad with Roquefort and tomatoes...
...and baked potato with...
- What's going on here?
- Don't send me away.
- No, I want to ask you a question.