I didn't wish you anything too serious.
Just a couple of months in traction.
You're all heart.
You know, the thing I hate the most
in the whole world is a jealous female...
...and that's what I was becoming.
That's why I had to split.
I was starting to be
one of my most unfavorite people.
I hated it. I know you did, too.
That still works anyway.
- Too well sometimes.
- What does that mean?
I mean, there's a little spot in the middle
of each day, just about your size.
There's lots of girls my size
if you're really looking.
I'm not. That's what I'm trying to tell you.
You mean you've given up girls?
I haven't exactly been the monk
of the month or anything like that...
...but I have been making an effort.
There must be a real consternation
among those "gropies."
That's "groupies," isn't it?
I don't know, "groupies, gropies..."
You know, you've got to be fair.
It hasn't just been my fault.
Listen, I know.
They kept overpowering you.
You get a little bit of the blame, too,
you know.
You and that parade of roommates
that keep moving in and out of your place.
I didn't realize
they were such a trial to you.
What trial? I enjoyed it.
You and I sitting in front of the fireplace...
...and then some chick sitting there
with a bathrobe on, eating Fig Newtons.
What about the one with the St. Bernard?
She was a real winner.
She took up enough space.
And then that other one
that took the flute lessons.
Yeah, maybe it was a little rough on you.
I can think of a thousand reasons
why we should try again.