This cylinder contains Napalm,
the other contains compressed air.
You release it by pulling this valve.
The air comes up here.
You pull the trigger. And here
is a thing called an "increment."
This thing spins around and
operates like a cigarette lighter.
Don't get forward!
Never get in front of the machine!
Hold it up away from you. Put your
finger on the trigger. And press!
I'd hate to lead them into
a real brannigan at this point.
But they're better than I expected
and, well, we'll play it by ear.
Silence. Quiet.
Quiet. Silence. You know silence?
- Silence.
What about that girl?
- She's going to be difficult.
She's unpredictable, sir.
- He's right.
We'll run into Nazis in 100 miles. If
she blows the whistle, we've had it.
There must be something we can do.
Pity you're not helpful. - Pardon?
- Eating out of your hand in no time.
Doc, you're supposed to know
about women. - Not this kind.
I can picture your patients
in Harley Street very clearly.
An emotional appeal doesn't work. I
dare say she has a price. - No doubt.
I gave in on the prisoners.
I hope we don't have to pay for that.
As far as the girl goes...
- Let me try again.
There's very little time.
- There's no time, Captain.
For God's sake... Hold it!