Thanks, brother.
Too much sugar this morning.
Then don't drink it, baby.
A couple of dudes from uptown
looking for you.
Know them?
Not by name.
Seen them around uptown.
Come in here when I was opening up.
Asked where they could find you.
What did they look like?
One was wearing a funky plaid coat.
Other one was sharp.
$50 shoes. Black coat, gray flares.
- Is that all?
- They had heat on them.
The one in the plaid coat
had his hands in his pocket.
Pulled his coat tight, you dig?
Had some heavy iron in his belt.
You got a scuff on the toe of this left shoe.
What time you got, Tom?
Pull over in front of that shoe-shine parlor.
He usually hangs out there.
- You want me to go in?
- No. We'll wait.
Got yourself a nice shine. You can go out
and make something of yourself, man.
Go out and get rich and fat like you?
We're straight, baby.
Got a minute, Shaft?
Got no use for no dirty postcards, Vic.
Get off my back.
I just want to talk to you.
Call me up. You know my number.
Come on, I'll buy you a cup of coffee.
Go sit in the park a minute?