
My baby never sold nothing to nobody.
Never took nothing from nobody.

She's a straight kid.
She's going to college.

Whoever grabbed her, got her to get at me.
They have a beef with me,
they should come to me.

So you got a rule
that somebody else don't.

Is that all you know?
There's a piece of Harlem I can't get at.
The one them militants got their arm on.

They could have my baby.
She's been into some of that stuff.

Bunch calls themselves the "La Mumba's."
Ben Buford's thing.
I could send my people to ask them.
It'd come to a shootout and when
it's all over, a bunch of dead cats.

And maybe they'd kill Marcy.
Yeah, you're Papa pimp to them.
They want to see you burn
as bad as they want to see the police burn.

But kidnapping sisters,
that ain't their thing.

The only reason anybody grabs
anybody for is money.

What other bunch in Harlem needs money
bad enough to grab my baby?

If you believe that, what's all this
about me having a foot in whitey's trough?

I said I think they had her.
I didn't say they had her in Harlem.

They ain't dumb enough
to take her someplace uptown.

It don't lay right.
What the hell you think I need you for
if I knew who had her?

I'm guessing.
If they don't have her, all right.
Maybe they know something.
I got nothing.
That's the job, Shaft.
Will you take it, or no?
I get $50 an hour.
Plus expenses.
And no questions asked
about how I spend it.
