Hello, ma'am. I'm looking for a guy
named Ben Buford. You know him?
Yeah, I know him.
- Seen him around here lately?
- Not in a long while.
"Some of the brothers got plenty of cash
"Chicks on the corner gonna see to that
"Some like to smoke, some like to blow
"Some even strung out on a $50 jones
"Some are trying to ditch reality
"By getting so, so high
"Only to find out
that you can never touch the sky"
I'm looking for Ben Buford.
You seen him around?
No, I ain't seen him.
Know what the number was today?
"Every Sunday morning
"I can hear the old sisters say
"Hallelujah, hallelujah
"Trust in the Lord
"He'll make a way
"I hope that he hears their prayers
"'Cause deep in their souls they believe
"Someday he'll put an end
"To all this misery
- "That's in
- Soulsville
- What's happening?
- Man, how's it going?
Seen Ben?
Ben? Ben who?
Ben Buford. You know who I mean.
Look, man, I don't know no Ben Buford.