Dina'll get you a bed made up.
Why don't you get some sleep, man?
Got some dead brothers laying out there.
And this ain't where I should be.
Till we find out why they're dead,
this is the only place for you to be!
You think like a white man!
You don't think! You want to get wasted?
If that's what it takes!
Marvin's sleeping.
I'll find out what I can and pick you up
in the morning.
If you think I'll owe you for this,
you're wrong.
You got nothing I want!
You can have the girls' room.
I got to go out. Got an extra key
so I don't wake you when I come back?
This'll open the downstairs door, too.
Watch your mouth.
I'll say anything I want.
Not in this house. Not here, you won't.
Have a chair.
I don't like your chair.
You gave me nothing, Vic.
You want to lock me up for manslaughter
'cause someone went out of my window...
...go ahead.
You got no deal.
I have nothing else to give you, then.
That's straight.
What do you got now?
One question first.
Anyone who could've identified those guys
with machine guns got wiped out!