Try to kidnap some Mafia bigwig.
They blew it.
They killed the guy's runner.
But the man says his runner
was in Florida on a fishing trip.
- Looks like war coming.
- It's a bad thing.
Mafia against Bumpy.
It's hood against hood, on the inside.
On the outside, it's black against white.
We could have tanks and troops
on Broadway if this thing breaks open.
Yeah, you got a point.
This is what some of our visitors look like.
Be a good time for it.
What? War?
Fishing down in Florida.
It might help if I knew
what Bumpy hired you for.
- Never said he did.
- He did.
It's against my ethics to say yes or no.
- He put you on the spot, Shaft.
- He did?
You're a very wise Caucasian, Vic.
I'll be here. If I'm not, call me at home.
That's a comfort.
- Hello?
- Hello, baby.
I waited up.
- Sorry, I can't make it.
- Got problems?
Yeah, I got a couple of them.
I was born black and I was born poor.
I love you.
Yeah, I know.
Take it easy.
Get up.
We've got a man to see.