A lot of hyped-up black people give you
that money you're spending, pimp!
Don't you try to bullshit me, boy.
We're all on the hustle.
I sell broads and dope and numbers.
You sell crap and blue sky.
It's all the same game.
You knew the Mafia cats would come
after me, didn't you?
But it doesn't shake me up.
They made a good move
to take out my front man.
They'll probably try again. I would.
You been using me, Bumpy. Suckered me.
That's okay. We stood face to face.
But, I want to know why you wanted me
to hook up with Ben.
'Cause you're gonna need an army
to get my baby back.
Ben's got one.
My people ain't worth a damn
outside of Harlem.
If you think I'd risk some of the brothers...
...just 'cause your daughter's black,
you're wrong, man.
We need money.
I got a lot of brothers and sisters in jail.
Set a price.
$10,000 a head.
That's what the honky government
pays a cat in the Army for insurance.
$10,000 a man.
That's our price.
All right.
You telling me you're willing to lay out
that kind of bread for Marcy?
Don't jive me, man.
I can always get more money.
I only got one baby.
That means you already owe him $50,000
for the men he lost last night.
All right.