On the house, gents.
And since the house is buying,
I'll have one.
To the big-hearted owner
of the No Name Bar.
Whether he knows he's generous or not.
That's all booze!
Right on.
All booze. One zillion percent.
Hold on.
Hold on.
No, he ain't here. Right.
Ho there, innkeeper?
Two gin and tonics, and a Virgin Mary...
...for moi.
I'm thirsty. Parched.
There's a girl over there...
...with the dark hair
and the groovy boobs...
You really turn her on, if you're interested.
I ain't dead.
Her friend, Valerie, says she's hot
for my body. I told her I was gay.
You know what she said?
She'd straighten me out.
That's what she said.
It's not enough that I'm lovely,
she wants me to play character parts.
The one with the titillating boobs
is named Linda.