Cawsey or Scutt.
Here, Charlie.
It's bloody heavy.
Lousy way to make a livin', though.
You gonna look at them all day?
Would you feel better
if I went out and talked to them?
Not necessarily.
Perhaps we could just pack up and leave.
Nobody's leaving.
Why? Because we paid for a year?
Look, Amy,
I'm not going to...
just go out there
and blatantly accuse them.
You don't have to accuse them.
You could start by mentioning that our
cat was strangled and see what happens.
You can believe in the possibility,
can't you?
Okay. Okay.
I'll go out and mention to them
that the cat is missing...
and I'll ask them
if they've seen her.
All right,
let's see what it's good for.
- You don't think that's enough, do you?
- Not quite.
Perhaps you'd like to write them
a note on your blackboard.
Well, I thought he might enjoy it.
- How are you?
- Fine, thank you, sir.
- How's it, uh, going up there?
- It's all right, sir.
Yeah. Want a smoke?
I like the smell of those
American cigarettes, Mr. Sumner.