
And you only tell me now?
I kept silent for a week,
then I felt ashamed

That they didn't
lock you up instead?

- It could still happen
- Tell me, Luca...

Did you know about
everything Janos did?

Are you implying
the accusation is true?

You'll find out
from the papers I deliver

When people are half honest,
like we are...

...we only feel half the humiliation
We'd prefer
to being hanged outright

Do you see?
But even so they trust us...
:27:49 little as they do the ones
who won't conform

Like Janos
I see. Never mind
Have breakfast with us
Two men are coming!
Was the gate open?

Go in there!
- Am I about to meet Janos?
- Idiots!

Good morning
We're from the exchange
- Your phone's out of order
- No, it works

- When did you last use it?
- Last night

- Where is the phone?
- In the living room

- Are you from the exchange?
- Yes

- See?
- What? Two mechanics

Apparently. I may be given
a caretaker too...
