And you haven't been
to church since?
Only to see paintings...
...when we went to France
on our honeymoon
Deep breaths
Then when my mother
wanted to take me to church...
...I said, "No!"
- And you didn't go?
...the next Sunday...
...when the weather was fine...
...and I was very happy...
...my mother asked,
"Stina, kommst du in die Kirche?"
But Stina was clever,
wasn't she?
I said no again
I said to my mother...
"I won't ask anything
from anyone whom I can't trust
"I want to stand
on my own two feet"
- You succeeded in that
- What did you say?
I said you succeeded
I'm not so sure
Since I became so old...
...Im lonely and helpless
But when I die...
...only my son will hold my hand
Animals too want to die alone