Piedmont, New Mexico.
Population 68.
Come on.
I didn't notice them before.
That's crazy. I didn't knowbuzzards fly at night.
That's what they look like.
Boy, that's some dead burg.
Buzzards only comewhen something's dead.
Well, I guess we bettergo in and have a look.
This is Caper One to Vandal Deca.
Caper One to Vandal Deca.Are you reading? Over.
Yes, I'm reading. Over.
We're about to enterthe town of Piedmont
and recover the satellite.
Very good, Caper One.
Leave your radio open.
We're now inside the town.
It's kind of spooky.
I see a church steepleahead on the left.
It's quiet here.
It's the damndest thing.
There's no sign of life.
The signals from the satelliteare getting very strong.
Sir! You see that, Lieutenant?
See what, Crane?
Over by the fence.It looks like a body.
Easy, Crane.
You're imagining things.