You go right ahead, lady.
Oh, God damn it, Frank.
Ain't we wore out enough without you
playing games with that woman?
We ride all day,
that saddle burning my ass...
You wanna bed down
with Crimp or me?
Bounty hunters shootin' at us
from every direction,
vigilantes, posses.
I don't know. Son of a bitch.
I don't know what it's all comin' to.
I never had a job
like this in my...
You ain't too bad.
For a schoolteacher.
If you think you're going to get
a lot of money for me, you're wrong.
They'll be coming
after us, you know.
A lot of men.
Why? They short of
teachers back there?
I am not a teacher.
I am Brandt Ruger's wife.
I am!
I am Brandt Ruger's wife!
It don't matter
whose wife you are.
There ain't nothin'
he can do about it.
Why do you want
to learn to read?
'Cause I can't.
Who the goddamn hell
would stop a train
in the middle of the goddamn night?