The Hunting Party

Ever kill a man, Matt?
No! Not actually.
This'll do it.
Seven... eight hundred yards.

Winchester's good for 350 yards.
Jesus Christ Himself
couldn't get any more range out of it.

This is 800.
What exactly
are you getting at, Brandt?

A little hunting trip.
If you mean
help the posse, Brandt...

I mean, we're all gonna help.
He's not thinking
about helping anybody.

Hang back and pick 'em off,
like trailing bear.

- That's right.
- That Calder bunch?

Why, they're hired gunfighters.
More than 20 of 'em.

Jim Loring, the Thompson brothers,
Hog Warren, Doc Harrison...

You mean to say
that we go up against them?

Up close, no.
But from a distance.
