The Omega Man

At it again, I see.
What'll it be tonight?
Museum of science? Some library?

Poor miserable bastards.
They almost got me tonight,
you know that?

Neville come out!
Shut up!
- Neville!
- Why the hell can't you leave me alone?

Three, brother? Are you sure?
- Not three.
- Three, brother.

Two were inside the garage
when he brought down the door.

We heard the shooting. Then Joshua.
The light. They should have
stayed clear of the light.

There was no light, brother. Just the fire.
- Nonsense. Neville can't see in the dark.
- Tell him that.

- Any more than we can see in the light.
- To hell he sees.

Good enough, he sees.
More! Burn it all!
One creature...
caught in a place
he cannot stir from in the dark.

Alone. Outnumbered, hundreds to one.
Nothing to live for but his memories.
Nothing to live with but his gadgets,
his cars, his guns, gimmicks.

And yet the whole Family
can't bring him down out of that...

That honky paradise, brother?
Forget the old ways, brother.
All your hatreds, all your pains.

Forget. And remember...
the Family is one.
