What are these?
So withered and wild
in their attire...
...that look not like
inhabitants of the Earth.
Speak, if you can.
What are you?
All hail, Macbeth.
Hail to thee, Thane of Glamis.
All hail, Macbeth.
Hail to thee, Thane of Cawdor.
All hail, Macbeth,
that shall be king hereafter.
Are ye fantastical, or that indeed
which outwardly you show?
My partner you greet with grace
and great prediction...
...that he seems rapt withal.
To me you speak not.
If you can look into
the seeds of time...
...and say which grain will grow
and which will not, speak to me...
...who neither beg nor fear
your favours nor your hate.
Hail! Lesser than Macbeth,
and greater.
Not so happy, yet much happier.
Thou shalt beget kings,
though thou be none.
So all hail, Macbeth and Banquo.
Banquo and Macbeth, all hail.
Stay, you imperfect speakers!
Tell me more.
By Sinel's death,
I know I am Thane of Glamis.
But how of Cawdor?
Say from whence you owe
this intelligence.
Or why upon this heath you stop
our way with such prophetic greeting?