The Tragedy of Macbeth

:50:03 makes you stand to
and not stand to.

- Drink gave thee the lie last night.
- That it did.

- Is thy master stirring?
- Good morrow.

- Is the king stirring, worthy thane?
- Not yet.

He did command me to call timely.
I have almost slipped the hour.

I'll bring you to him.
This is the door.
I'll make so bold to call,
for 'tis my appointed service.

- Goes the king hence today?
- He does. He did appoint so.

The night has been unruly.
Our chimneys were blown down.

And, as they say, lamentings heard
in the air, strange screams of death.

Some say the earth was feverous.
- 'Twas a rough night.
- Oh, horror!

Horror, horror! Confusion now
hath made his masterpiece!

Murder hath broke open
the Lord's anointed temple.

- What is it you say?
- Mean you His Majesty?

Do not bid me speak.
See, and then speak yourselves.
Awake! Ring the alarm bell!
Murder and treason!
Malcolm and Donalbain!
Banquo! Awake!

Shake off this downy sleep, death's
counterfeit, and look on death itself!
