Listen... I'll take you back to town.
I know a place you can stay tonight,
all right?
- Now, who is we?
- Well, everybody was there.
You mean take up a collection,
pass the hat.
Yes, Mr Malson.
Mighty fine thought, Bob, mighty fine.
- Don't you agree, Earl?
- Sure.
Give her a few dollars,
enough to get home.
- Any idea where she wants to go?
- I don't know.
Back to her people, I think.
Good idea. You've got about
three or four dollars there.
It's not much.
She'll be the richest damn squaw
on the reservation.
How much did you have in mind, Bob?
I was thinking, maybe... $200?
I would like to know
why we're listening to this greaser.
- RL, keep your mouth closed.
- He killed him. Why's he coming to us?
Shut up or get out of here.
That's a lot of money, Bob, $200.
Almost as much as I make in a year.
Giving her that is like admitting
we owe it to her, like we're to blame.