Then there's the story of Wee Willy,
the gangster.
Goofy wants to be a children's nurse...
so he borrows some clothes
from his Aunt Anna...
a red-and-white
checked calico dress and a big hat.
And he tries his luck as a kindergarten
teacher, not very successfully, though...
because the kids all say they've never
seen such a queer old doll.
Goofy gets beaten up by the kids...
and flings his gear in the trash can.
At that moment,
an escaped convict comes by...
Wee Willy, the gangster.
He's no bigger than a 3-year-old girl.
He finds Goofy's gear in the trash can...
and puts it on.
On his way home,
Goofy bumps into Wee Willy...
wearing Aunt Anna's dress.
''Poor little homeless mite,'' Goofy thinks...
and takes the little girl home.
He dishes up pheasant and partridges...
and a whole goose,
and Wee Willy stuffs himself full.
Goofy's pretty surprised
at the little girl's appetite.
But he's mighty pleased, too...
and thumps his fists on the table.