Aguirre, der Zorn Gottes

I propose that Don Lope de Aguirre
remains second-in-command!

Who's in favor?
Plagues have come over my
people, earthquakes and floods...

...but what the Spaniards did to us...
:36:00 much, much worse.
They gave me the name Balthasar,
but my real name is Runo Rimac.

- What does that mean?
- Runo Rimac.

It means: He who speaks.
I was a prince in this land.

No one was allowed to look
directly into my eyes.

But now I'm in chains,
like my people...

...and I must bow my head.
Almost everything was taken from us.
I can't do anything, I'm powerless.

But I am also sorry for you...
...because I know there is
no escape from this jungle.
