...the Roman Church,
Philip the Second of Castile.
We, the undersigned,
have until yesterday...
...the seventh day of 1561
...regarded ourselves as your
servants and subjects.
We are now more than 200 miles
from your servant, Gonzalo Pizarro.
Fate, God's help and the work of our
hands have carried us down a river.
A river, the natives call Huallaga,
in search of a new land of gold.
We have decided to put
an end to the quirks of fate.
We are forging history, and no fruits of
this earth shall henceforth be shared.
We rebel until death.
Our hands shall perish and our
tongues dry up if this is not so.
The House of Habsburg
is o verthrown.
And you, Philip the Second,
are dethroned.
By dint of this declaration,
be you annihilated.
In your place we proclaim...
...the nobleman from Sevilla,
Don Fernando de Guzmán...
...as Emperor of El Dorado.
Flee from hence, O King!
And may God bless your soul.
Fortune smiles on the brave
and spits on the coward.
Let's sever our ties with Spain and
crown Don Fernando de Guzmán...
...Emperor of El Dorado.
Do you call this a throne?
What is a throne, but a plank
covered with velvet, Your Majesty.