I want to speak.
In Spain I had many servants,
and I paid them.
It is only fair to give them
money here as well...
...even if they are Indians.
Time will tell that Ursua is right.
We understand your confusion,
my child. You are excused.
The jury, after having heard
all testimonies...
...finds the defendant...
...guilty of treason.
My unpleasant duty...
...as President of the first court
of your Highness, Don Fernando...
...is to sentence Pedro de Ursua...
...to death by hanging.
I confirm the verdict.
But since it is the anniversary of
the last Moor leaving Spain...
...I will grant clemency.
His life will be spared,
but he forfeits...
...all rights as a citizen of El Dorado.
Half of his shares
will go to the Church...
...the other half will be divided
among my best soldiers.