Aguirre, der Zorn Gottes

She has gone without a trace.
We couldn't find her anywhere.

We have not seen any Indians either.
Let's march back to Pizarro.
Two men, more or less,
it won't matter to him.

I am sick of it. I'm leaving tonight.
If I march at night,
the Indians won't catch me.

In the day, I will hide.
I will get back to Pizarro.

We followed her tracks half a mile
into the jungle, then we lost them.

She simply vanished!
Then one of the men panicked
because of the silence...

...which always comes just before
someone gets killed.

I'd rather join the Indians,
than stay with this madman.

That man is a head taller than me.
That may change...
I'll explain my plan.
I have counted the river bends.

I've drawn a map in the sand.
We need about a day for each bend.
One, two...
...three, four, five...
...six, seven...
I am the great traitor.
There can be no greater!

Whoever even thinks about deserting
will be cut into 198 pieces!

And then trampled upon until
you can paint the walls with him.
