Good. So do I.
Tina, where did you
find your purse?
Mamuwalde returned it to me.
Thank you again.
You bear an amazing
resemblance to my wife,
whom I lost a short while ago.
I'm very sorry.
I loved her very much.
When you left the mortuary,
I had to follow you.
I didn't consider
that I might frighten you.
You were at Swenson's.
Were you a friend of Bobby's?
No, I was there making
some arrangements of my own.
But enough about death.
Here's to... life.
- On your birthday.
- Thank you.
Happy birthday, baby.
- To happiness.
- To happiness forever.
Dr. Thomas here.
What do you mean, gone?
Listen, calm down, Swenson.
Calm down.
I'll get a man over there
right away.
Don't touch anything,
you hear me?
Swenson, damn it!
Don't touch anything!