What do you care? It's my share.
They're gonna come back and get us.
Don't you understand?
Why don't you do it some other time?
You expect us to be here
when you get back?
- We're not gonna be here. Right, Bertha?
- I'll be here.
I'll be damned. Shelly.
They told me you was dead.
They said the sheriff's boys...
You can't believe anything a cop
tells you. Even something good.
Listen, did anyone know
you were coming up this way?
Hell, no. Just my police escort.
Didn't you hear the sirens?
Don't come all smart with me.
They got a price on your head.
You and them nuts you
busted out with.
Whores and niggers. My God, ain't
that a nice image for unionism?
Well, here. I reckon this'll
clean up the image some, huh?
It's marked. You know it's marked.
They mark it nowadays.
Tiny little mark.
They can tell every bill.
Joe, try not to be no dumber
than you was born to be.
It's OK. Hell, it's money.
You're hotter
than a deep-bowled stove.
Do us a favour, stay away from here.
The uniĆ³n has got to preserve...
- You don't need my money, you mean?
- I didn't say that.
It's appreciated. It's appreciated.
Look, hitting a scab is one thing.
But robbing the damn mail,
that's something else, ain't it?
Yeah, I guess it is.
Just see that stuff gets in
the strike fund, you hear?
All you socialist bastards
are just alike.
In the strike fund!
Anything goes.