I'm tellin' ya, it's a good thing.
The only thing is
we don't want to go in shooting.
So we gotta come up with something.
- I ain't a criminal, you know.
- It makes me the criminal, right?
Aw, Rake, no, I didn't mean that.
All I mean is...
Listen, if we're going
to hit Sartoris,...
...we gotta hit him
so he doesn't get up again.
Damn, you just go for anything.
This ain't no easy war
you're figuring on.
Honey, I never thought it was going
to be easy. I never said that, did I?
You're right, though. Bertha, you just
stay here. We'll go on ahead without ya.
Like hell I will.
- Where are you going?
- Trying to get out.
I go first. Ladies first, remember?
All right, get out.
Get out the car, Bertha. Come on.
Hurry up, Rake.
- Do I look all right?
- You look great.
But I just saw a guy wearing tails
and I'm wearing a tux.
- Oh, Rake, you're so silly.
- What's so silly?
I'll be the only one in there in a tux.
I'll look like an idiot.
Invitations, please.
Oh, invitations...
- You must have them.
- I don't have it.
- I think I left it on my desk after...
- Henry, you have it.
- I do believe I does have them tickets.
- I think we got them.
- Here they is.
- That ain't it.
- Look again.
- That's it, that's it.
- Come on, Bertha.
- Gimme that gun.
Now, be careful now.