Here, pick that up.
Just put it in here, sir.
Pick that up.
- Put it in here, son.
- Pick that up.
Pick it up.
Not my tiara.
Aw, it ain't so special.
I got even better ones at home.
Come on, Bertha, let's get going.
- Oh, ma deah Bill...
- Cut it out, now.
You're Bill Shelly.
I had a sort of respect for you.
I thought you were
some sort of crazy Bolshevik.
But hell, you're just
a common crook.
You just don't understand.
Here, I don't want your watch.
I don't want to steal your watch.
I just want to smash your railroad.
Let's git.
OK, just stay where you are.
Just stay where you are. That's it.
I'm taking this to Washington.
We'll see what the FBI
has to say about all this.
Thank you, boy.
Now, I expect if J Edgar
don't do something mighty fast,...
...I just might have to have a talk
with FDR.
Yes, sir.
That's a joke, son.
- Hi.
- Son of a bitch, you're coming with us.
A couple of your buddies
are going to pay $100,000 for you.
Now, how you gonna like that?
Sure enough.