So you're moving right in, okay?
Prairie oysters?
Peppermint prairie oyster?
Oh, you got the toothpaste glass.
-Meine Damen und Herren.
-Meine Damen und Herren...
...mesdames et messieurs,
ladies und gentlemen.
The Kit Kat Klub...
...a very beautiful young lady.
She is so beautiful...
...and so talented, so...
...charming, l have only yesterday said,
''l vant you for my vife.''
Und she said, ''Your vife,
what would she vant with me?''
l give you that international zensation...
...Fraulein Sally Bowles.
''You have to understand
The way l am, Mein Herr
''A tiger is a tiger
Not a lamb, Mein Herr
''You'll never turn the vinegar
To jam, Mein Herr
''So l do, what l do
When l'm through then l'm through
''And l'm through
''Bye-bye, Mein Lieber Herr.
''Farewell, Mein Lieber Herr.
''lt was a fine affair
But now it's over.