Now, tell me all about you.
l want to hear everything.
Absolutely everything.
Well, there's nothing very dramatic to tell.
Well, since l've been down
from Cambridge, l--
Lya de Putti.
Absolutely my favorite screen siren.
Well, when l left Cambridge, l--
l'm going to be a great film star.
That is, if booze and sex
don't get me first.
Do l shock you, darling?
Not a bit.
l don't?
Since mother died we're even closer.
He's an ambassador, l understand.
Who told you that?
Fritz Wendel.
Oh, Fritz.
He's practically an ambassador.
Where is he now?
Oh, who knows?
Timbuctoo, outer Mongolia.
He dashes all over the globe
on momentous affairs of state.
Then, you don't see much of him.
Darling, what are you talking about?
Of course l do.
He can't bear us being apart.
He's always swooping down
and carrying me off for divine vacations.
The Riviera, Capri.
Have you ever slept with a dwarf?
Once, but it wasn't a lasting relationship.
Oh, l know l can sing,
but what l really want to be is an actress.
Like...who is it?
Lya de Putti?
Oh, darling, come on.
l could act her right off the screen.
l thought you said she was your favorite.
She makes too many faces.
No, please....
We made an agreement.
Thank you.
Just you wait.
One of these days Max Reinhardt
is gonna drift into the club.
Well, you never know.
That's right, you never know.
lt has happened before.